These compounds are significant in various industrial applications and are commonly derived from petroleum. Aromatic compounds are known for their distinct fragrances and are used as precursors in the synthesis of a wide range of chemicals, including dyes, plastics, and pharmaceuticals.

Aromatic compounds typically contain a benzene ring or similar structures with delocalized π-electrons, which contribute to their chemical stability and distinctive properties. The most common aromatic compound is benzene (C₆H₆), which serves as the foundation for a variety of derivatives.

Key Characteristics of Aromatics:

  • Stability: Aromatic compounds are more stable than their non-aromatic counterparts due to resonance, which allows for electron delocalization.
  • Fragrance: Many aromatic compounds have distinct smells, making them valuable in the fragrance and flavoring industries.
  • Reactivity: Aromatics participate in electrophilic substitution reactions, allowing for functionalization and the creation of a wide array of derivatives.


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