Known for its excellent clarity, elasticity, and impact resistance, EVA is widely used in various applications across multiple industries, including packaging, footwear, and adhesives. Its unique properties make it a popular choice for products requiring flexibility and resilience.

EVA is produced through the copolymerization of ethylene and vinyl acetate, with varying vinyl acetate content influencing its properties. Higher vinyl acetate levels result in increased flexibility and transparency, while lower levels enhance rigidity and tensile strength.

Characteristics of EVA:

  • Flexibility and Softness: EVA exhibits excellent elasticity, making it ideal for applications requiring a soft, pliable material.
  • Good Adhesion: The polymer's ability to bond well with various substrates makes it suitable for use in adhesives and sealants.
  • Chemical Resistance: EVA is resistant to UV radiation and moisture, which helps maintain its integrity in outdoor applications.

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