It is widely used in various industries due to its high density, malleability, and resistance to corrosion. Lead ingots serve as raw material in the production of batteries, radiation shielding, construction materials, and numerous chemical products.

Lead ingots are produced by smelting lead ores or recycled lead products, such as batteries. The molten lead is poured into molds, where it solidifies into ingots. These ingots typically contain 99.9% pure lead, but some may be alloyed with other metals for specific applications. Lead's ability to withstand extreme environmental conditions and its easy machinability make it a valuable material in diverse industrial sectors.

Characteristics of Lead Ingot:

  • High Density: Lead is known for its exceptional density, making it ideal for use in applications requiring weight or radiation shielding.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Lead is highly resistant to corrosion, particularly from acids, which extends its lifespan in harsh environments.
  • Malleability: Lead is easy to shape, mold, and machine, allowing it to be used in various manufacturing processes.


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